A Review for Sin by Sharron Riddle

Sin - Sharron Riddle

I thought Sin was a great read, fun & action packed.
The blurb is accurate and I don’t feel I can add anything so straight onto my thoughts…
I loved Sin, she’s my kind of girl, she has a good sense of humour, she is not afraid to speak her mind or fight for what she believes in. She’s slightly volatile with her temper and finds it hard to trust but is willing to give her new home a try. She gets stuck straight into an investigation on arrival and she’s in for a sharp learning curve but it brings out some good qualities in her and helps us to understand the world along with her as she is educated on all things magical. I liked her secret, the big one that could have sent her over the edge and I liked how it tied in with the bigger storyline. There are two potential love interest and she’s drawn to both, I’m always unsure about the love triangles but it’s in the early stages so I’m willing to ride that for now but I wasn’t sure who to trust and even at the end I didn’t have a preference.
I liked the world within our world that is brought to life throughout the book and all of the magical beings we meet, it sets up a premise that could have great series potential. This book is filled with action & life threatening situations that would look great visually. I loved the undead idea that brought the zombies, it was different from any other zombie story I have read and really liked how that tied to Sin. I loved her secret ancestry, loving the world that she is now immersed in and definitely the guardian & protector she is bestowed with and the story behind that. The story is full of secrets & revelations interspersed with battling the undead, learning magic and a sprinkling of romance, there are a lot of secrets going on and Sin isn’t in on a lot of stuff until it becomes necessary, so I do feel that even though we get a few secrets that it still felt like an introduction and getting to know you book but…. the fact that a prophecy was brought into it makes me excited for further books, so now I’m really curious to see where it will all go. Great, fun read though! 

Source: http://bookpassionforlife.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/a-review-for-sin-by-sharron-riddle.html